- 500g Odlums Strong White Flour
- 325ml of lukewarm water
- 2tbps of sugar
- 2 tbsp of sea salt
- 7g of dried yeast
For the topping
- Olive oil
- 2 cloves of garlic chopped
- 4 springs of fresh rosemary and garlic
For dipping
- 4 tbsp of mayonnaise
- 2 cloves of garlic paste
- For the dough mix all the ingredients in a large bowl with a fork until nicely combined.
- Tip out onto the surface and knead with floured hands nicely for 5-10mins until soft and silky.
- Place back into the mixing bowl and cover for 30mins to an hour.
- Once proved knock back the dough by punching all the air out and divide into 12 equal sizes.
- Roll them into balls and place into a 2cm round sandwich tin to prove.
- Sprinkle over the chopped garlic and herbs and prove for 15mins before baking at 220oC for 15mins.
- Mix the ingredients for the dip and tuck straight in.