Super Seed and Walnut Loaf

Super Seed and Walnut Loaf
Cook Time: 45 mins - 1 hour

What you need

  • 350g/12oz Odlums Coarse Wholemeal
  • 125g/4oz Odlums Cream Plain Flour
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Shamrock Bread Soda, sieved
  • 100g packet Shamrock Chopped Walnuts
  • 25g/1 oz Sesame Seeds
  • 25g/1 oz Sunflower Seeds
  • 25g/1 oz Pumpkin Seeds
  • 25g/1 oz Poppy Seeds
  • 1 tablespoon Shamrock Demerara Brown Sugar
  • 2 dessertspoons Oil
  • 300ml/½pt Milk
  • 125g Yoghurt (Natural or Hazelnut)

Recipe Steps

  1. Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Grease a 900g/2lb loaf tin.
  2. Put wholemeal, cream flour, salt, sieved bread soda, walnuts, seeds and sugar into a mixing bowl and mix well together.
  3. In a jug combine the oil, milk and yoghurt together and add to the dry ingredients. Stir until well blended.
  4. Transfer to the prepared tin and bake for 45 mins – 1 hour. Bread is baked when tapped underneath and it has a hollow sound.
  5. Wrap in a clean tea towel and allow to cool. Bread cuts better if left until the next day.