Recipe Steps
- Start firstly by making the pastry by mixing the flour, water and salt in a bowl. Knead for 5 mins on the surface, cut in half and then roll into a large thin rectangular shape allowing the pastry to stick to the work surface.
- Spread half the butter over the pastry evenly. This will give you nice layers of pastry. Then using a spatula or scraper roll the pastry into like a Swiss roll. Don’t panic about the shape of this as you’ll be cutting it and squashing it later on. Leave it in the fridge to harden for 2 hours.
- While the pastry is hardening you can make the custard.
- Mix the 40g of Odlums Cream Plain Flour with the 50ml of milk into a paste in a large bowl.
- Place the 250ml of milk into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Pour it into the paste and whisk.
- Now make a sugar syrup with caster sugar and water bringing it to 100oC on a thermometer.
- Now pour into the milk mixture and whisk. Allow to cool slightly before whisking in the egg yolks and then pass through a sieve into a jug.
- Preheat the oven to 250°C and grease a cupcake tin with butter.
- Cut the chilled pastry into 6 equal pieces, stand them up and then squash them. Place into the tin and then with wet fingers mould into the tins shape.
- Pour the custard mixture into the pastry and then bake at the high temperature for 15mins. You want them slightly burnt on top to get the authentic feel.
- Allow to cool for 10mins before dusting with icing sugar and cinnamon. Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.